Saturday, August 25, 2007

Any replacement for Internet?

Did you think, if one day Internet goes down for ever, what would happen? How this is going to affect the life of human beings in developed, developing or under-developed nations? Then, life would become more chaotic and catastrophic in communities. If that is the case, then what would be the future of Internet? Will it exist in same form for ever except extending its participations to human life?

If we look at the market, every business or product has one or more competitor and this has been cultivated for the consumer friendliness and thier comfort. Is there any competitor for Internet? If you want to know more, details of the history and the role of the coordinating body of the internet are available in wiki.

But some recent news on say that Japan is trying to build another Internet by 2020 which would be more faster and secure? After that, i became more curious about the form of the Japanese internet and its future.

Will any form of the network able to replace the existing internet? What do you think about a Network of Robots with its own indentifers and protocols? Something like a robot in movie iRobot with extreme networking ability.

Then, will there be any search engines or shopping site of what existing today? If anything needed, better ask your robot to get it and probably another robot at an information or shopping center is going to take the calls and respond like an IVR . Sounds great?

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